18 December 20242025 job market outlook and salary trends in hong kong.hr trendsworkforce trendsaccounting and finance sectorbanking and financial services industrybusiness administration sectorconstruction industrycontractingengineering industryfmcg industryhuman resources industryinsurance industryIT industrylegal industrylife sciences industryproperty industryresearch and reportsretail industrysalary benchmarkssales and marketing sectorsupply chain and logistics industry
05 February 2024hong kong SAR’s construction, property and engineering industry outlook and salary trends 2024. workforce trendsconstruction industryengineering industryproperty industryresearch and reportssalary benchmarks
08 February 2023hong kong’s construction, property and engineering industry outlook and salary trends 2023.workforce trendsconstruction industryengineering industryinfographicsjob market trendsproperty industryresearch and reportssalary benchmarks
22 December 2021market outlook: hong kong’s property market can expect positive growth in 2022.workforce trendscandidate experienceconstruction industryemployee experienceinfographicsjob market trendsproperty industryresearch and reportssalary benchmarks
29 November 2021hong kong SAR’s job market outlook and salary snapshot 2022. workforce trendsaccounting and finance sectorbanking and financial services industryconstruction industrycontractingengineering industryhuman resources industryinfographicsinsurance industryIT industryjob market trendslegal industrylife sciences industryproperty industryresearch and reportssalary benchmarkssales and marketing sectorsupply chain and logistics industry
04 January 2021market outlook: hong kong property market can expect positive growth in 2021.workforce trendsCOVID-19employee benefitsemployee experienceemployee retentionjob market trendsleadership and managementproperty industryresearch and reportssalary benchmarks
24 December 2020hong kong SAR market outlook & salary snapshot 2021.workforce trendsaccounting and finance sectorbanking and financial services industryhuman resources industryinsurance industryIT industryjob market trendslegal industrylife sciences industryproperty industryresearch and reportssalary benchmarkssales and marketing sectorsupply chain and logistics industry
15 October 2020blue suite: hong kong property market outlook and labour trends 2020.workforce trendsblue suiteCOVID-19employee benefitsjob market trendsproperty industrytalent acquisition
20 January 2020contracting: a long-term solution to skills-shortage and tightening budgets.workforce trendsconstruction industryemployee retentionengineering industryIT industryjob market trendslife sciences industrymanufacturing industryproperty industryresearch and reportsretail industrysalary benchmarkstalent acquisition
20 January 2020expect to see market recovery in the construction, property & engineering in 2020.workforce trendsconstruction industryemployee retentionengineering industryjob market trendsproperty industryresearch and reportssalary benchmarkstalent acquisition