While 52% of Hongkongers favour a five-day office week, 70% of workers are currently required to be in the office full-time. 

The 2024 Workmonitor Research data highlights a strong desire for flexibility among Hongkongers, as 46% said that they have made changes to their lives based on the assumption that hybrid work will continue after the pandemic.

The 2024 Workmonitor study commissioned by Randstad Hong Kong reveals a gap between employee preferences and their actual experiences, indicating a need for employers to understand individual expectations rather than searching for a one-size-fits-all solution.

Half the Workforce in Hong Kong will Quit if Asked to Work More in The Office
Half the Workforce in Hong Kong will Quit if Asked to Work More in The Office

The survey found that 51% of respondents will consider quitting if their employers ask them to spend more time working in the office - 14% higher than the global average. 

flexibility with intentionality means taking into account individual differences

Flexibility should be understood in its entirety and complexity, and not just where and when employees are working. Rather, employers can explore offering greater autonomy to let people choose what’s best for them based on their professional desires and personal needs. By offering this kind of trust, companies can attract top employees who feel like they are part of a team that shares the same values.

43% of respondents would reject job opportunities that lack flexibility in where and when they work. However, prioritisation of flexibility varies across generations. While flexibility remains important to Millennials, salary may hold slightly more importance in their job search. For Baby Boomers, a staggering 60% will only consider employers that offer flexible work arrangements. 

talent in hong kong want to feel psychologically safe at work

3 in 5 respondents wouldn't accept a job if it negatively impacted their work-life balance, emphasising that work-life balance encompasses more than just where and when they work.

Organisational equity emerges as one of the critical factors among the workforce, as talent seek environments where they can be themselves without fear of discrimination. 20% of respondents resigned from previous jobs because they have to hide aspects of themselves or feel like they could not freely express their opinions without judgement or discrimination. 

Employees Are Quitting Because They Cannot Be Themselves At Work
Employees Are Quitting Because They Cannot Be Themselves At Work

In an equitable workplace where employees feel they can be themselves without fear of discrimination, they are more likely to feel psychologically safe and supported. This can reduce stress and improve mental health, ultimately contributing to a better work-life balance. Equitable policies, like flexible work options and equal pay, directly help employees achieve that balance.

Job seekers in Hong Kong SAR will also not accept a job if: 

  • Their values on social and environmental issues do not align with the company’s - 46%
  • The business was not making a proactive effort to improve diversity and equity - 45% 
  • They disagree with the leadership’s viewpoint - 44%

top 3 diversity and inclusion initiatives that are important to hongkongers

2 in 3 respondents believe that it is the employer’s responsibility to improve workplace equity, and expect companies to create and implement more equitable policies. Top EDIB initiatives that Hongkongers ranked important are: 

  • Family leave for all employees - 52%
  • Gender pay equity - 51%
  • Diverse workforce - 40% 

While equity at work might not always have a quick financial payoff, it’s a strong sign of a company’s commitment to its people. When companies address deep-seated issues affecting their workforce, they show they act with purpose. This approach towards workforce management attracts highly talented individuals who have a desire to contribute to a company making a real difference.

Family Leave Is an Important Diversity and Inclusion Benefit
Family Leave Is an Important Diversity and Inclusion Benefit

download the 2024 randstad hong kong workmonitor report

Hear the voice of employees around the world on what they want and expect from their employers and how willing they are to ask for it. 

The 2024 Workmonitor research in Hong Kong SAR surveyed 751 locally-based employees and job seekers about their career expectations and experiences across four themes: motivation and ambition, flexibility, equity and understanding, and AI & skilling.

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