- 歷史悠久的國際上市物業酒店業務企業
- 1.5個月獎金/OT PAY
- 五天/7小時工作/無通宵/15天AL/銀行假
- 穩定
- 善待員工
- 團隊合作, 互相幫助
- 工作地點:Tsim Sha Tsui
- 負責處理一般文書工作
- 1年或以上客戶服務工作經驗
- 歡迎商廈/住宅/會所/商場禮賓
- 香港中學會考或文憑或以上
有興趣者,請直接攜帶最新的簡歷進行申請,包括您最新的和期望的薪資待遇。 如果您有任何疑問,請隨時聯絡 karen.kwok@randstad.com.hk/+852-61725312。
About the company:
- Long-history international listed property/hotel group
- 1.5 months bonus/OT pay
- 5 days/7 hours work/no overnight/15 days AL/bank holidays
About the team:
- Stable
- Treats employees well
- Teamwork, helping each other
- Work Location: Tsim Sha Tsui
About Work;
-Provide concierge services, handle complaints & answer visitors' inquiries.
-Assist in promoting membership VIP programs and other shopping mall promotional offers and activities
-Recommend restaurants and shops in the mall to customers, and introduce tourist attractions near the mall to tourists
-Responsible for handling general paperwork
Required skills and experience:
- 1 year experience above in customer service
- Welcome concierge in commercial buildings/residentials/clubhouse/shopping malls
- Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination or Diploma or above
If you are interested, please apply directly with your latest resume, including your latest and expected salary. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact karen.kwok@randstad.com.hk/+852-61725312.
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- 歷史悠久的國際上市物業酒店業務企業
- 1.5個月獎金/OT PAY
- 五天/7小時工作/無通宵/15天AL/銀行假
- 穩定
- 善待員工
- 團隊合作, 互相幫助
- 工作地點:Tsim Sha Tsui
- 負責處理一般文書工作
- 1年或以上客戶服務工作經驗
- 歡迎商廈/住宅/會所/商場禮賓
- 香港中學會考或文憑或以上
有興趣者,請直接攜帶最新的簡歷進行申請,包括您最新的和期望的薪資待遇。 如果您有任何疑問,請隨時聯絡 karen.kwok@randstad.com.hk/+852-61725312。
About the company:
- Long-history international listed property/hotel group
- 1.5 months bonus/OT pay
- 5 days/7 hours work/no overnight/15 days AL/bank holidays
About the team:
- Stable
- Treats employees well
- Teamwork, helping each other
- Work Location: Tsim Sha Tsui
About Work;
-Provide concierge services, handle complaints & answer visitors' inquiries.
-Assist in promoting membership VIP programs and other shopping mall promotional offers and activities
-Recommend restaurants and shops in the mall to customers, and introduce tourist attractions near the mall to tourists
-Responsible for handling general paperwork
Required skills and experience:
- 1 year experience above in customer service
- Welcome concierge in commercial buildings/residentials/clubhouse/shopping malls
- Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination or Diploma or above
If you are interested, please apply directly with your latest resume, including your latest and expected salary. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact karen.kwok@randstad.com.hk/+852-61725312.
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